About Me

A Tapestry of Love, Resilience, and Shared Dreams: The Extraordinary Journey of Noelle

The life of Noelle is an intricate tapestry interwoven with the threads of love, resilience, and unwavering determination. From the earliest chapters to the present, her story is a testament to the power of human connection and the indomitable spirit that can shape a life into something truly extraordinary.

At the heart of Noelle’s narrative are two remarkable men, Sam and John, whose presence has left an indelible mark on her journey. Their individual contributions, each unique and significant, have enriched her life and guided her through the ebbs and flows of existence.

Sam, a beacon of strength and devotion, entered Noelle’s life during a time of uncertainty. Their love story unfolded against a backdrop of challenges, from navigating the complexities of faith and belief to facing the profound impact of Sam’s deafness and blindness. Yet, Sam’s commitment to love, sacrifice, and selflessness shone brightly. He embraced Noelle’s dreams as his own, transcending the barriers of disability and doubt to ensure their love story was etched in the stars. Through Sam’s unyielding dedication, Noelle experienced a love that defied all odds—a love that would inspire her for years to come.

Then entered John, a man whose presence breathed new life into Noelle’s journey. Their love was a testament to the power of second chances, igniting a flame that would illuminate their path forward. John’s infectious smile and unwavering support became a source of solace and joy, reminding Noelle of the beauty that life had to offer. Together, they weathered storms, shared dreams, and carved out a life imbued with creativity and shared ambitions. John’s entrepreneurial spirit and devotion to their dreams breathed life into their aspirations, while his love anchored Noelle in a world filled with endless possibilities.

As Noelle and John’s love story evolved, so too did their shared commitment to making a difference. In the Deaf Branch, they embraced the role of interpreters, fostering inclusivity and a sense of belonging for all. Their journey was marked by moments of triumph and challenges, from navigating the complexities of a pandemic to embarking on journeys that led them to distant lands.

Throughout Noelle’s biography, the threads of Sam and John’s influence are intertwined, each contributing a unique hue to the vibrant canvas of her life. Their unwavering support, love, and shared dreams have shaped Noelle’s journey into a narrative of triumph over adversity, of love that defies all odds, and of a life lived with purpose and authenticity. As Noelle continues to write the chapters of her story, the legacies of Sam and John remain woven into the very fabric of her existence, a testament to the enduring power of love and the profound impact one person can have on another’s life.

Paper, ink and pencils have always been an obsession in my life.  My mom wouldn’t let me eat sugary sweets, but she couldn’t stop me from drawing pictures of them.  My dad taught me how to play baseball like a boy, but that didn’t stop me from writing about princesses being rescued by valiant knights.

I wrote for Space.com’s entertainment section in the 90’s and with my experience there, developed a deep interest in Mars and the idea of terraforming the red planet. This interest is reflected in a series of short stories about Mars available on Kindle ebook.

I like to think that I learn enough from past experiences not to make the same mistake twice.  I fell in love with the first man that told me I was beautiful.  My first marriage ended in divorce, and so I left the choice of my second husband up to God.  He sent Sam.  I call him my Hobbit.  He is a deaf-blind craftsman and the best man I’ve ever known. I share tidbits of my life with him at my blog: With Closed Captions.  Because of Sam, I am bilingual.  I incorporate much of my knowledge of ASL, Deaf Culture and the many experiences I have into my writing.

My art is on several websites and I have a store on etsy.  I think the world is full of magic, and I hope my art and writing reflects a positive, uplifting ‘modern mythology’ for all true seekers.

6 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi, I’ve nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award because I love reading your posts. You can see the details about the award on my blog. Keep on writing!

  2. Hi! When my older son (now 8) was a baby, I learned many ASL signs, but taught them as signed English because I didn’t/don’t know anyone who is deaf to teach me the actual language. We taught and used signs with him and helped him communicate at a much earlier age. We are using it again with our new little one (13 months now) but he is talking younger than his older brother did. I know a few hundred signs at this point. Do you think it will be hard for me to learn ASL after doing SE for so long? I want to take a class (or learn from the deaf community if I can) at some point, but I wonder have I made it harder on myself by doing it the way I have? Thanks :)

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